Assessment Readiness and Tools

Assessment.Innovative Roadmap.pdf

Assessment.Self Assessment Instrument.pdf

Assessment for Innovation Rubric.doc 


ISTE Classroom Observation Tool



Next Steps for March 29, 2010


  1. Revisit Mapping Q's (Where do we want to be? How will we know we got there? How will we reduplicate and share stories?)
  2. Read and examine the ISTE National Ed Tech Standards for Administrators.
  3. Complete force field analysis, slide 6 that asks you to determine evidence of how you are leading the standards, which standards are gaps, and what solutions can be in place to move the gaps to drivers. Post your notes below in either a table or list fashion--capture for documentation, planning, and decision making
  4. Read slides 7-10 that discuss the gap between Knowing and Doing.
  5. Examine the types of conversations that are happening at the school level, in PLCs, grade level meeting, SIT meeting, administrative meeting, faculty meeting, etc.
  6. Think about how to conduct activity on slide 10, a purposeful and meaningful conversation about 21st century skills, themes, and concepts.



Next Steps for March 2, 2010


  1. Wayne to complete survey after reading Innovative Road Map (above)--finish if not completed on Feb. 22, 2010
  2. Discuss 5 data questions as it relates to the paper survey for admin team
  3. Planning Mappng Questions (chart these, create table and upload discussion topics here--put wiki to use)--found in slide two in Google presentation above.