4th Grade Math Instructional Guide

NC SCOC Objective & I can statements:

Teaching Strategies:

Materials needed:

Goal 1: The learner will read, write, model, and compute with non-negative rational numbers.


1.0 1a- I can identify numbers with the use of words and pictures (ex. Base 10 blocks)

  •  Base Ten Blocks
  • Number Charades
  • Different Number Forms (White Boards) 



1.0 1 b- I can identify all place values from hundredths to ten thousands


  • Place Value Chart (House) 





1.0 1 c- I can compare numbers and put them in order.


  • Human Numbers (Talking and Without) 





1.0 1d- I can make sure estimate answers are reasonable (make sense)

  • Upper and Lower Limits
  • Casting out nines
  • rounding hill ("over the hump you bump")






1.02 a – I can multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers.

  • graph paper
  • color coded notes 





1.02 b-I can divide up to three digits by two digit numbers.


  • graph paper
  • color coded notes 





1.02 c- I can multiply and divide using different strategies.

  • Multiplication Game: the kids can compete against each other (up to 4 at a time) 
  • Expanded Form
  • Partial Products
  • Standard Algorithm
  • Lattice
  • Box 







1.02 d- I can estimate products and quotients when it is reasonable.

  • Upper and Lower Limits 






1.02 e- I can recognize the connection between multiplication and division.

  • Create Fact Families
  • I have... who has?






1.03 – I can use pictures to solve problems with fraction.  I can recognize equivalent fractions.  I can simplify fractions.  I can convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.  I can put fractions in numerical order.  I can find relationships between fractions (greater than, less than, or equal to).

  • fraction blocks
  • fraction tree
  • reducing rainbow
  • around the world
  • number line
  • human numbers
  • cross multiply 


1.04 a- I can add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.  I can add and subtract decimals through the hundredths place.  I can use different strategies to add and subtract decimals.

- Adding and Subracting Dance-- Add(clap) or Subtract(clap), slide the bottom (slide), reduce (shrink) 


1.04 b-I can estimate sums and differences.

-Upper and Lower Limits 







1.04 c- I can decide if my answer makes sense.

-Upper and Lower Limits (reasonably)

-Casting Out Nines (accurately)







1.05- I can estimate numbers.  I can use strategies to solve word problems.

-Key Words

-Casting out Nines

-Upper and Lower limits 






Goal 2: The learner will understand area and perimeter.


2.0 1- I can use different strategies to find area and perimeter.

-On the carpet/around the carpet

-Walk the perimeter/fill the area

-design a room project

-cover a space

-create a border 







2.02- I can multiply length times width to determine the area of a rectangle.  I can find the perimeter of plane figures by adding all the sides.



Goal 3: The learner will recognize and use geometric properties and relationships.


3.0 1- I can locate plots on a grid.  I can draw and recognize figures on the grid.

-in the house, up the stairs

-excel coordinate shapes

-seasonal graphing 






3.02- I can recognize perpendicular and parallel lines.

- Note it, Draw it

-Find lines, picture, poster 






3.03- I can recognize what happens to a figure when it is translated, reflected, or rotated.  I can predict the counterclockwise and clockwise rotations of a figure.

-Magnetic Alphabet

-Name transformations

-Bodies moving around the room 


Goal 4: The learner will understand and use graphs probability, and data analysis.


4.0 1- I can collect data.  I can organize data.  I can read and understand data.  I can create a graph from data.

-m&m activity

-weather line graph


4.02- I can use data to identify the median, range, and mode.

-Human numbers/operations 






4.03- I can compare two sets of data to solve a problem.









4.04- I can recognize the possible chances (outcomes) of an event happening.  I can design an experiment to determine what is likely to happen.

-M&M probability experiment

-crayon probability Experiment 


Goal 5: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of mathematical relationships.


5.0 1- I can identify the pattern in a set of numbers that change equally.

-design your own pattern 







5.02- I can use symbols, numbers, words, and pictures to represent numbers.

-human equations 







5.03 a- I can use pictures, words, and numbers to solve problems.








5.03 b- I can identify properties (identity, commutative, associative, and distributive).  I can recall and perform order of operations.

-action language