1st Grade Math Instructional Guide

NC SCOC Objective & I can statements:

Academic Vocabulary 

Teaching Strategies:

Materials needed:

Competency Goal 1: The learner will read, write, and model whole numbers through 99 and compute with whole numbers

1.01a – I can match a number with number words, sets of objects, and other ways of showing that number.


  • tally marks





1.01b – I can count objects.







1.01c – I can read and write numbers to 99.


  • digit




1.01d – I can compare and order sets and numbers.


  • least
  • greatest
  • less than




1.01e – I can count groups of ones and tens to name a number.


  • place value 



1.01f – I can estimate how many objects there are in a set.





1.01g – I can tell whether sets or numbers are equal or not equal


  • unequal



1.02 – I can group and count objects by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.


  • skip counting 



1.03 – I can use different strategies to add.  I can use different strategies to subtract.


  • difference
  • addition
  • subtraction
  • sum (total) 



1.04 – I can write word problems.  I can solve word problems by drawing pictures.


  • number sentence (equation) 



Competency Goal 2: The learner will use non-standard units of measure and tell time.

2.01a – I can choose what to use to measure an object.

  • standard (units)
  • non-standard (units) 



2.01b – I can estimate size.




2.01c – I can compare objects by their length, weight, and capacity.


  • length
  • weight 



2.02a – I can tell time to the hour and half-hour.       

  • hour
  • half-hour 



2.02b – I can solve problems using a clock and calendar. 

  • date 



Competency Goal 3: The learner will identify, describe, draw, and build basic geometric figures.


3.01 - I can find, build, draw and name parallelograms, squares, trapezoids, and hexagons.

  • faces
  • edges 







3.02 – I can find, build, and name cylinders, cones, and rectangular prisms.        


  • faces
  • edges 






3.03 – I can tell how shapes are alike and different. 





(3.04 Solve problems involving spatial visualization) 




Competency Goal 4: The learner will understand and use data and simple probability concepts 

4.01 – I can collect, organize, talk about, and show information using line plots and tallies.           

  • tally marks 



4.02 – I can tell when something is certain, impossible, more likely or less likely to happen.


  • certain
  • impossible
  • less likely (unlikely)
  • more likely (likely) 




Competency Goal 5: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of classification and patterning.

5.01 – I can sort and group objects by two attributes at the same time.

  • attribute/characteristics 








5.02 – I can use a Venn Diagram to show similarities and differences.






5.03 - I can make and continue patterns.  I can name the pattern unit.  I can change the pattern into numbers, letters, words, or pictures.


  • pattern unit
  • extend